Bought vehicle about 4 months ago used. Paint is already fading. Called dealership and was told warranty does not cover. Disappointing. I thought these were Christian people. Perkins Motor Plex is ...
Travis Perkins has been fined £2m after timber fell off one of its lorries and onto a car in Sussex, killing the driver. Lewes District Council, which brought a prosecution against the building ...
Antes de ser revelado, a Bugatti já tinha deixado uma amostra de como o imenso motor 8.3 V16 atmosférico do Tourbillon soava. Agora é Mate Rimac, o diretor-executivo da marca, que nos tenta com o som ...
A BMW finalmente colocou um ponto final nos rumores sobre o futuro do modelo esportivo M3. Enquanto algumas marcas rivais, como a Mercedes-AMG, estão reduzindo cilindradas e apostando em motores ...
The 1MW TD1000P is the first generator in the U.S. to be powered by the all-new Perkins 5008 engine. Power is something we all rely heavily on every single day and may even take for granted.