The bright-yellow paint, now fragmented into a growing pile of concrete, had spelled out the words Black Lives Matter over ...
Bowser, a Democrat, ordered the painting and renamed the intersection Black Lives Matter Plaza in June 2020. It came after ...
The mural, spelling “BLACK LIVES MATTER” in bright yellow letters, was painted in June 2020, turning the pavement into a ...
Workers in Washington on Monday began removing a "Black Lives Matter" street mural installed during the height of 2020 racial ...
The shrill, metallic banging noises of a jack hammer echoed around the White House on Monday as crews started removing the ...
In June 2020, during the height of BLM protests in her city, Mayor Muriel Bowser's administration commissioned a ...
The move comes as congressional Republicans threaten to revoke federal funding if the plaza is not repainted and renamed.
D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser provoked a firestorm this week when she announced that her administration would paint over the ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The nation’s capital city will remove the large painting of the words “Black Lives Matter” on a street one ...