ASL consumers should right-click the frame displaying the interpreter(s) and select “Pin” in order to keep the interpreter(s) viewable throughout the session. Due to the current limitations of ...
UVM's Chinese program offers an innovative language curriculum that teaches the Chinese writing system and the Chinese sound system according to their unique characteristics and intrinsic regularity.
One-fifth of the planet speaks Chinese, making it the most widely spoken first language in the world. Our program emphasizes deep exposure to Chinese language, literature, and civilization because ...
Students who do not have enough time for a major, a double major, or co-major in Chinese can have a minor in Chinese. The Chinese minor requires a minimum of 15 credit hours in Chinese language ...
Global studies is an interdisciplinary topic exploring global issues from political science, economic, sociological, and anthropological lenses. A major in global studies provides you with a passport ...
Japan has one of the most advanced economies in the world, and a knowledge of its language and culture opens doors for cultural understanding and economic opportunity. UVM's Japanese program offers an ...
We created a glossary because we saw a need to standardize and clarify language being used when discussing food safety in aquaponic and hydroponic operations. This glossary is our attempt at that ...
This minor, rooted in public health frameworks, aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge for advocacy, driving efforts to forge more equitable communities and societies. It ...
Interdisciplinary Perspective. Numerous Career Pathways. Are you interested in a career in the helping professions? Do you want to develop a deep interdisciplinary understanding of human development ...
Our nationally accredited programs offer experience with a wide range of roles and settings, including schools, medical centers, mental health centers, government agencies, and community-based ...
Childhood Studies is a rising academic field that considers critical questions regarding difference, power, privilege and subjectivity while appreciating children as agents of culture and worthy of ...
Advancing the science and professional practice of critically conscious human services and counseling professionals. View our faculty profiles to learn more about our nationally and internationally ...