The must-see movie from the producers of“Dope Fiend” & “Dope King” will hold a press screening of their latest film at Stuart Cinema in Brooklyn People said it was a gritty and intense ...
Written by playwright Eugene O’Neill between 1939 and 1941, and first published posthumously in 1956, Long Day’s Journey Into ...
What’s in the syringe? Is Cristina what celebrity gossip rags once called a “dope fiend”? As a screen presence, Cotillard typically radiates sensitivity (it can be almost too much for her ...
Hustler rappers like Gunn traffic in street tales that feel larger than life. That doesn't mean they're not "real." ...
(I still think about the Jersey rapper RetcH describing a fiend experiencing a crack high ... that forces you to see dope dealing in less absolute terms. You'll probably never cook half a brick ...
"Fiend said I look like Dr. Sebi when he shot ... that forces you to see dope dealing in less absolute terms. You'll probably never cook half a brick in an air fryer, and maybe Westside Gunn ...
a dope fiend poet and balladeer, has to flee the town with his lover. Three rancid “Cornish guns” are hired to track him down. Barry keeps a tight rein on the tension in what is partly a ...