Morley Indoor Market: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, March 15, at Morley Community Center, 151 7th St, Morley. Enjoy a shopping experience featuring unique and local crafters, artisans, and vendors ...
The proposal will go to the Cedar Rapids school board in April. Surveys can be submitted online or mailed back by Wednesday, ...
TUPELO — Salvation Army’s Tupelo branch will host its 26th annual Empty Bowls Luncheon fundraiser next week, bolstering the funds it uses to feed those in need. The nonprofit organization’s Empty ...
Trachtenberg knew what it was like to be a kid who wants to be seen, who is aching to be understood. And in “Harriet the Spy, ...
School districts across the state are preparing to become compliant to state law when it comes to school start times. In 2023, lawmakers passed a law to require middle schools start no earlier ...
The realistic and unobtrusive sets were designed by Marion McDowell ... program for young African-American men in middle and high school who made a dramatic entrance from the back of the auditorium.
A cast of about 45 people, mostly youth, took the stage in “When the Mirror Shifts,” a play incorporating step team performances, in the eleventh annual African-American Parent Network’s Black ...
MARIA STEIN - Marion Local school board members awarded a $21,290,212 contract to Touchstone CDP for the construction of a new middle school building at a ... kindergarten through eighth-grade ...
The banner hanging from a pole outside the McDonald’s on Eighth Avenue - just a block or so from Penn Station - alerts ...
But in a grief-stricken panic, trying to use the 20 remaining minutes before a meeting to make myself a tomato sandwich for lunch ... school, where she’s vying against Queen Bee Marion Hawthorne ...