An Omani-controlled ship is breaking cover as the first non-sanctioned LNG carrier to take the Red Sea route towards the Suez ...
H-Line’s order follows another contract announced today which is understood to have been placed by Greece’s Evalend Shipping ...
The Quebec government says it would be open to reviving a liquefied natural gas project in the Saguenay region to transport Alberta energy overseas, as a way to reduce the country’s reliance on ...
The LNG exporter used a legal loophole that allowed it to delay the official commissioning of its Calcasieu Pass LNG facility, which was when the long-term contracts would come into effect.
Feb 7 (Reuters) - U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) company Venture Global's (VG.N), opens new tab proposed CP2 export plant in Louisiana moved a step closer to construction after U.S. Federal ...
She has been meeting officials, business lobbies and company representatives, including from JERA, Japan's top LNG buyer, JOGMEC, Japan Gas Association, chaired by a Tokyo Gas (9531.T), opens new ...
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s national oil company Petronas’ recognition of Sarawak government-owned Petros as the state’s gas aggregator excludes liquified natural gas (LNG), the government ...
Quebec has long resisted proposals to build new oil and gas pipelines through its territory. U.S. President Donald Trump’s threats against Canada might change that. Quebec Environment Minister ...
She has been meeting officials, business lobbies and company representatives, including from JERA, Japan's top LNG buyer, JOGMEC, Japan Gas Association, chaired by a Tokyo Gas executive, and others, ...
"The way it started in Port of Hamilton, Ontario is a classic example," he said. "One of our members - REV LNG - has been bunkering ships in the Great Lakes now for a year and a half or two years.
In 2024, the port recorded a total of 491 LNG bunker operations, including 402 truck deliveries supplying 45,427 m3 and 89 barge deliveries totalling 184,324 m3, according to latest data released by ...
Seaspan Energy (Seaspan) has successfully completed the first ship-to-ship LNG bunkering in Canada, which took place in the Port of Vancouver in the Upper Harbour. The ship-to-ship LNG bunkering to a ...