as you would expect from reverberation lengthening a sound. Multiplying the spectra is what we mean when we say that some frequencies are emphasized and some attenuated in an acoustically bright or ...
An investigation has been carried out to find the reasons for the variability in the results of absorption coefficient measurements at high frequencies in the reverberation room. After elimination ...
Another important aspect of room acoustics is the validation of simulation models. A study focused on the reverberation time prediction in a room highlighted the importance of accurate input data ...
A room is said to be acoustically 'dead' when it contains a great deal of sound absorbing material, such that there is little or no REVERBERATION, and strong ATTENUATION of high frequencies. The ...
Experiments on the effects of rectangular and hemicylindrical wall irregularities on the diffusion of sound in talks studio and a small reverberation room are described in this report. The results ...